Frequently Asked Questions

What does HolidayGlobes do?
HolidayGlobes is an online platform and/or agency that facilitates the booking of flights, hotels, rental cars, and other travel services on behalf of travelers, but we are not the official websites of the airlines or hotels.
Is HolidayGlobes safe to use?
We take pride in providing you with amazing flight deals through the safest payment portals. You can read reviews, verify credentials, and ensure that you have secure payment options to protect your personal and financial information.
Can I find better flight deals here?
We often offer competitive prices and deals, to make sure that you are saving the most on your airfare and vacation packages.
How can I find the best flight deals?
You can find the best flight deals by comparing prices on HolidayGlobes, setting fare alerts, booking during off-peak times, and being flexible with your travel dates and destinations.
When is the best time to book a flight?
The best time to book a flight can vary, but generally booking in advance, around 6-8 weeks before the departure date, or booking last-minute deals can sometimes result in better prices.
What should I consider when booking a flight?
When booking a flight, consider factors such as the cost, travel time, layovers, baggage fees, airline reputation, and customer reviews.
Are there any additional fees when booking a flight?
Yes, airlines may charge additional fees for services such as checked baggage, seat selection, in-flight meals, and other optional services. Be sure to review the airline's fee policy before booking.
How much baggage is allowed on my flight?
The baggage policy of the airline will determine how much luggage can be carried onboard, you can reach out to us to know exact terms of the baggage allowance so that you can fly comfortably with all your required belongings.
Can I earn loyalty points or rewards when booking through HolidayGlobes?
In some cases, bookings made through third-party travel websites may not be eligible for loyalty points or rewards offered by airlines or hotels. It's best to contact HolidayGlobes before going ahead.
Can I change or cancel my flight booking?
Changing or canceling a flight booking depends on the airline's policies and the type of ticket purchased. Some tickets may be refundable or allow changes for a fee, while others may be non-refundable or have strict change policies.
Can I manage my bookings on HolidayGlobes?
Yes, we provide a managed booking feature that allows you to view and make changes to your bookings, such as seat selection, meal preferences, and itinerary updates.
Will I get a refund if I cancel my flights with HolidayGlobes?
Mostly, your refund will be dependent on the airline’s refund policy. Major airlines allow you to get a full refund if you cancel your flight booking within 24 hours of reservations.
How do I check-in for my flight?
You can typically check-in for your flight online through the airline's website or mobile app, at the airport kiosk, or at the check-in counter. Check-in requirements may vary by airline, so be sure to review their guidelines.
What should I do if my flight is delayed or canceled?
If your flight is delayed or canceled, contact the airline for assistance. They may provide options such as rebooking, refunds, or accommodations, depending on the circumstances and their policies.
Will I be compensated for the canceled flight by the airlines?
Yes, as per the Airline’s flight delay and compensation policy, you are eligible to get compensation from the airline for the inconvenience caused by the canceled or delayed flight.
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